Teaching statement
Mo is a seasoned coordinator, facilitator and teacher with over 15 years of experience.
Mo’s been able to connect and build with students of all ages using her lived experiences and her arts background to lead. She believes in always using accessible and supportive curriculum.
Mo works to create constructed engagement levels allowing for a large amount of student planning and creation which encourages self empowerment.
Mo HD Creates specializes in arts based learning within social justice, diversity, equity and inclusion (etc) topics.
These workshops utilize theater, visual arts, performance and game play as tools to further learning and create a sense of embodiment and first hand experiences to further explore topics of systematic oppression, discrimination, power and privilege.
Mo HD Creates also offers arts based skill learning and project facilitation for all ages and dance/movement workshops.
CHallenge & Play | Professional development
4 part workshop series where participants will have the opportunity to participate in antiracist and equitable conversations about topics surrounding white supremacy and dominant cultures and how they appear in The US’ normative practices. Using theater games and approaches participants will play carefully constructed games to fully embody the information they learn. Through this process participants will get a brief moment of "walking in another's shoes" while also conceptualizing topics and definitions that greatly affect BIPOC & LGBTQAII+ communities.
This workshop is suggested as a form of professional development, especially for schools, nonprofits and businesses
Power play
Interactive, hands-on workshop entitled "Powerful Play". In this workshop participants will participate in ice breakers, warm ups, activities, games and learning opportunities to help adults foster youth empowerment and mindfulness, in their homes, their classrooms or schools. Participants will leave with intro to social justice information and activities and games to try out with the young people in their lives.
Intro to social justice living
Hands on session including information sessions, games and ice breakers. Through this session participants will have the opportunity to learn introduction ideologies and practices of Social Justice through an array of self empowerment activities and games. Participants will leave with a better understanding of social justice topics and how their own identities influence and construct their relationship with Social Justice in everyday life.
decolonizing Spaces & community
Pre-made workshops start at $150 per 15 people - customs start at $200
The Whiteness Within
Challenging White Supremacy Culture. This online (Zoom) workshop will use story sharing, reflection and physical expression to give participants a chance to recognize and shift away from racism. *While white people are the target audience for this workshop, we welcome any Indigenous, Black, and People of Color (IBPOC) who might feel called to observe and/or share their valuable perspectives.
Power Moves
one-day workshop that assists in participants' unlearning some of the unhealthy societal norms around power that we’ve all internalized from the dominant cultures present in our communities. Using physical and theatrical games and demonstration, participants will recognize and explore various dimensions of the power-consolidating, power-asserting behaviors, whether we find ourselves using them on others, or experiencing their being used on us. Come play and learn with us!
Want access to Mo HD Creates workshops?
Join our patreon - offering monthly subscriptions starting at $20.00 with discount options for BIPOC community members.
OutReach for More Information
Dionna Ndlovu
Workshop development
Sarah Peters Gonzalez
Facilitator & Workshop development
Rosemary Grady
Facilitator & Workshop development
Performer-Creator Noël August
Facilitator & Workshop development
Lexxi Reid
Facilitator & Workshop development