Mo HD Creates
Arts based creation, education & services for community growth.
Monique Harper-Desir, Mo, is an arts activist, working across The United States.
Mo is striving to connect communities of all backgrounds to each other; offering arts based services & education, racial equity workshops & facilitation, performance arts & Dance classes to enrich those around her.
Currently, Mo follows a career in Digital Media and Education. As an artist Mo actively creates using Hip-Hop, Hip Hop theater, Dance and Poetry.
You may also recognize Mo from her work with Humboldt County organization Black Humboldt
or through her county recognition as 2021’s “Best Local Activist” with nominations 2022 and 2023.

Learn more about Mo and her efforts to bring quality services, The Arts and Education to Humboldt County.
Learn more about the ways Mo shows up for her community.

Meet w/ Mo
Sit down with Mo Harper-Desir of Mo HD Creates.
Mo HD Creates urges you to recognize and acknowledge the labor upon which our country, state, and institutions are built. Remember that our country is built on the labor of enslaved people who were kidnapped and brought to the US from the African Continent and recognize the continued contribution of their survivors. We acknowledge all immigrant labor, including voluntary, involuntary, and trafficked peoples who continue to serve within our labor force
We also urge you to acknowledges that the land Mo HD Creates operates on is the present and ancestral Homeland and unceded territory of the Wiyot Tribe. Mo encourages direct giving to Tribes and Native-led efforts.
Tribes and Nations in Humboldt County include Hupa, Karuk, Mattole, Tolowa, Wailaki, Wiyot, Yurok. We make this land acknowledgment in recognition that our words must be matched by action and approach and this could look like connecting with your local Indigenous peoples, treating land as kin and creating/sustaining your own relationship with the land.
To acknowledge the land on the land's terms is to act in reciprocity.
Please learn from your local indigenous communities for next steps. Honor Tax link: